Hydro One

Creating free kits to help rate-payers reduce their electricity bills

Relying on our excellent vendor relationships, Green Living Enterprises designed all aspects of an energy conservation kit program created to assist customers who want to reduce their electricity bills but can’t afford the upfront costs of conservation as well as people who aren’t eligible for low-income programs but are feeling the squeeze. The kits included electricity-saving devices, an instruction booklet and sustainable package design. Green Living Enterprises maintains a call centre that provides phone and email service to customers from utilities across Ontario. We also promote, assemble and ship kits working to achieve Hydro One’s goal of assisting as many Ontario households as possible. Our team maintains a large database of customers, providing monthly progress reports.


number of free upgrade kits sent across Ontario households


number of electricity-saving Advanced Power Strips distributed to Ontario homes


number of electricity-saving LED lightbulbs distributed in kits


Ontario utility companies supported

Services Provided

Strategy and Program Management
Graphic Design
Print Production & Distribution
Program Production
Project Management

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